Watery Eyes

We all know that tears are a normal sign of intense emotions, both sadness and joy. But few realize that tears can be of both the emotional and the lubricating varities and that the two kinds have a different biochemical composition. Scientist have recently discovered that emotional tears actually contain more protein and certain stress-related hormones than the tears that normally bathe the eyes.

Our tears continuously bathe and cleanse our eyes, flushing out dust and debris that can damage our sensitive corneas. Our tears can even kill the bacteria that enter our eyes. And with each blink, our lids spread lubricating, cleansing tears over the entire surface of the eye.

If tears continuously cascade down your face, it may not be anything to cry over, but it is nothing to laugh about, either. Just as a runny nose can be a sign of allergies, so can runny eyes. So if you frequently find yourself overflowing with tears but not overwhelmed with sadness or happiness, it may mean that your environment is just too windy, dusty, or flower-filled for you.

Occasionally, too many tears can signal vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency. This vitamin is essential for the health of your eyes and skin. Watery eyes can also be a sign of rosacea, the skin condition that can cause your eyes and skin to turn red. Or they can signal more serious conditions such as a blocked tear duct, a nasal polyp, or grave's disease.

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