Losing Pubic Hair

Many of us choose to pluck, shave, wax, burn, or otherwise remove unwanted hair from various parts of our bodies. Indeed, one of the latest crazes among some young women is shaving their pubic hair. But when our pubic hair starts to fall out on its own, it may not be quite the fashion statement we wish to make.

Thinning pubic hair in women is a perfectly natural sign of aging, indicating that estrogen levels are dipping, which happens around menopause. Although men may also lose pubic hair as they age, the loss is usually less obvious.

At any age and in either sex, scanty pubic hair, as well as loss of underarm hair, can be a sign of hypopituitarism (see Hair Shedding, CLICK HERE). It may also indicate another serious but rare hormonal disorder, Addison's disease, a potentially life-threatening disease that involves the destruction of the adrenal glands and affects the mucous membranes and skin as well as the hair.

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