Enlarged Breasts In Men

Large breasts in women are often seen as a sign of sexiness. Indeed, big breasted women are likely to attract lots of attention, admiration, and even jealousy. But large breasts in men are medically known as GYNECOMASTIA. In gynecomastia, one or both breasts can be enlarged, and one can be even more enlarged than the other, resulting in breast asymmetry. Men with gynecomastia often have another, less noticeable sign: a button or disk-like lump under the nipple or around the areola.

This condition is especially common among obese men. Astonishingly, 70% of boys will experience a mild form of gynecomastia during puberty. In these cases, the enlarged breasts are usually benign signs of the natural hormonal fluctuations of puberty. Hormone related gynecomastia is also seen in older men and is a sign of what's been medically dubbed ANDROPAUSE, the male equivalent of menopause. Just as women lose estrogen as they agge and go through menopause, men lose androgen.

About 1 in 4 adult men with enlarged breasts appear to have no underlying medical problem. Enlarged breasts in men can also be a warning sign of a pituitary tumor, a liver disorder, or even testicular cancer. Gynecomastia can also be a reaction to any one of a myriad of medicines commonly prescribed to men including those to treat baldness, ulcers, heartburn, high blood pressure, depression, heart failure, or prostate problems. Or it can signal marijuana or steroid use and abuse.

Finally, breast swelling in men, as in women, may signal certain benign breast disorders such as Papillomas and Fibroadenomas (non-cancerous growths in the milk ducts),but it can also be a warning sign of breast cancer.

Because men with Klinefelter's syndrome havbe higher-than-normal-estrogen levels, they are at increased risk of breast cancer. If you have this disorder be on the lookout for signs of breast cancer, such as swollen breasts and nipple discharge.

Because the liver plays a critical role in hormone metabolism. men with liver disorders are at increased risk of developing gynecomastia and breast.

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