Misshapen Ears

People with misshapen ears are often born that way. And while they may be merely a cosmetic concern, deformed ears can sometimes be a sign of an inherited disease or congenital (presesnt at birth) disorder. These conditions, which include Down Syndrome and Fragile X Syndrome, often involve more obvious and serious medical problems than misshapen ears.

An oddly shaped ear can be an acquired sign as opposed to a congenital sign, as in the case of the notorious Cauliflower Ear. This is usually a tip-off that the ear has been punched or injured repeatedly, which is why the condition earned the title Boxer's Ear. However, cauliflower ears do not appear only in people who play contact sports. Anyone who had a serious blow to the ear can wind up with this unsightly sign. Sharp blows to the ears cause blood clots to form around or even in the ear cartilage. If not treated immediately, scar tissue builds up and the ear becomes permanently deformed.

Mammals (including humans) are the only living creatures with outer ears made of cartilage rather than simply skin.

Your ears (and your nose) grow throughout your life.

Cauliflower ear in non-athletes can be a telltale sign of spousal or other physical abuse.

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