Hair Texture Changes

Hair is made up mostly of dead protein (keratin), but that does not mean it is supposed to lie there listlessly. Dry, brittle hair and split ends can all be signs that you are mistreating your hair with excessive washing, brushing, drying, dyeing, or  bleaching. However, these Hair Shaft Disorders, as they are called, can also be signs of stress, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiences, and thyroid disease.

If you notice, for example, that your formerly luxuriant locks tangle easily or have become dry, brittle, or coarse, do not be so quickly to rush off and buy the latest expensive new hair product. You may, in fact, have the classic signs of Hypothyroidism, a fairly common but often underdiagnosed condition, especially among women. When the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism, fails to produce enough thyroid hormone, hair growth, as well as other body functions-slow down. Hair texture change can signal Iodine Deficiency as well, which is also implicated in thyroid disease.
Of course, texture changes may merely be an indicator of the natural hormone changes of pregnancy or menopause. During pregnancy, dry hair may become oilier or shinier, while oily hair can become drier and duller. Previously curly hair may become strighter and stright hair curlier. Hair may even become thicker, but this is due to the slowing down of normal hair loss that typically occurs in pregnancy rather than the thickening of individual hairs. (see Hair Loss In Women, CLICK HERE).
During menopause, when estrogen levels drop, many women notice that their hair lacks softness and luster. The estrogen loss can cause hair shafts to thin and dry out, so new hairs will be duller and less manageable. New hair growth also tapers off.

Both hair texture change and hair loss are also common reactions to chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer. The good news is that both these changes are usually temporary.

Even a single hair is very strong. One reason is that it is made up of the protein keratin, which is highly resistant to wear and tear. Keratin is the same resilient substance found in animal feathers, claws,nails, and hoofs.

If you are pregnant and your hair seems thinner than usual, mention this to your doctor as soon as possible. You may have a vitamin or mineral deficiency that can affect the pregnancy.

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