Sun Sneezing

we all know that dust, dander, pollen, pepper, and perfume are common sneezing triggers. But the sun? If you sneeze when you go out in the sun, you are not alone. In fact, about one-quarter of us experience this sign, which is known by many names, PHOTIC  SNEEZE  REFLEX,  SOLAR  SNEEZE  REFLEX,  LIGHT  SNEEZE  REFLEX, and last but not least Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome (ACHOO syndrome). Although the exact cause of this phenomena is unknown, it may be due to a crossover of sight and smell reflex signals in the brain. Described since ancient Greece, ACHOO syndrome has not gotten much play in the scientific literature because it is both common and totally medically meaningless. It is usually ignored by its sufferers, too, because this nasal outburst stops as quickly as it starts.

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