Born (Hair) Free

If you are only man in your family and among your friends who does not have to shave and you do not have much chest, pubic, or underarm hair you may have been born with a chromosomal disorder known as KLINEFELTER'S  SYNDROME. This is a relatively rare abnormality. Other typical klinefelter's signs include being tall, being pear-shaped, having small genitals, and sometimes having enlarges breast. But men with this syndrome may either lack these signs or ignore them. Indeed, a man may not know he has it until he and his partner consult a reproductive endocrinologist or other fertility specialist because they are not getting pregnant. Because men with klinefelter's tend to have abnormally low levels of testosterone and high levels of estrogen, they often suffer from infertility and sexual dysfunction.

The good news is that many men with this condition who suffer from infertility may be able to father children with the help of advanced reproductive technologies. And with testosterone treatment, men with klinefelter's can grow hair and have a better sex life to boot.

Beards are the fastest- growing hairs on the human body. The average man's bears would grow to almost 30 feet if he never trimmed it.

Men with klinefelter's syndrome are at increased risk for osteoporosis and some serious autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It also raises their chances of developing breast cancer, testicular cancer, lung disease, and extragonadal germ cell tumors, rare growths that can be cancerous.

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