Sensitivity To Sound

Do you find the sound of your mother's voice not just annoying but unbearably loud? It may not be her fault, especially if other voices and everyday noises hurt your ears. You may, in fact, have the classic sign of extreme sound sensitivity, medically known as HYPERACUSIS, a rare condition affecting about one in 50,000 people. Extreme sound sensitivity is sometimes a harbinger of tinnitus. Ironically, people with impaired hearing sometimes become supersensitive to certain sounds.

Noise sensitivity can be a reaction to the artificial sweetener aspartame as well as some antibiotics, analgesics,and allergy medicines. It can also signal magnesium deficiency. And finding normal noises annoying can be a sign of head injuries and whiplash, as well as depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome. It can also be a clue to a number of medical disorders such as chronic ear infection, certain autoimmune disorders, Lyme disease, temporomandibular joint disease, or bell's palsy, a type of facial paralysis.

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