Hearing A Loud Explosion when Sleeping

If you are awakened by sounds that go "BOOM!" in the night and no one else hears them, it may in fact be all in your head. Being periodically awakened by hearing a loud explosion in your head is a sign of a bona fide, albeit rare, condition aptly called EXPLODING  HEAD  SYNDROME. People with exploding head syndrome are awakened by an oftentimes terrifying, brief loud noise when falling asleep or shortly  thereafter. Doctor's do not know why some people, usually older adults, experience this bizarre hearing problem. Luckily, you do not need to duck under the covers for long, since these explosions tend to stop after a few weeks or months. So while this may be one of the scariest-sounding signs you will hear about, it is probably one of the most benign. The good news is, it is not linked to any medical problem.

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