Fecal Breath

If people say you have shitty breath, do not be too quick to punch them in the mouth. Fecal breath can signal conditions that, not surprisingly, are related to the stomach and digestion. for example, it can signal GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE (GERD, acid reflux), a condition in which stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. Fecal breath can also be a sign of a scary sounding and controversial condition called Intestinal Permeability (leaky gut syndrome), which is thought to be a quite common disorder in which the intestinal lining becomes overly porous. As the theory goes, toxins and undigested food leak into the bloodstream, which can trigger food allergies and autoimmune diseases.

In addition, fecal breath can be a telltale sign of a bowel obstruction, which can be a medical emergency, or of repeated bouts of vomiting from bulimia. And like other forms of halitosis (bad breath) , fecal breath can signal serious respiratory and lung problems.

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