Bags Under The Eyes

The puffy pouches of skin under the eyes that we call bags can be signs of depression, as can circles. But it is more likely the insomnia and crying that often accompany depression rather than the depression itself that are to blame. Crying can cause fluid retention, and the fluid tends to pool under the eyes. Menstruation, pregnancy, excess salt intake, and certain medications such as antidepressants and birth control pills can also cause fluid retention and of course bags. Conversely, bags can also be a sign of the dehydration caused by alcohol, so they may be our body's way of telling us that we are drinking too much. Fluid can also accumulate around our eyes while we sleep, which is why we often wake up with puffy eyes.

Bags under the eyes are also a common warning sign of Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid. Droopy eyes (see Droopy Eyelids, CLICK HERE), feeling cold all the time, and having dry skin and hair are other classic signs.

Lastly, both bags and dark circles are major and unavoidable signs of aging. As we age, the skin under our eyes becomes thinner and loses its elasticity, causing it to sag and form pouches. The bags themselves cast dark shadows, making the circles appear even darker.

Sleeping with your head elevated may help reduce fluid retention under the eyes. and many people find that applying cold cucumber slices or chilled tea bags over their eyes for 5 to 10 minutes helps reduce bags and puffiness.

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